Wish you all a very happy Pongal!!!! :)
Thai Thirunal Valzhtukkal!!

Miniature of traditional pongal setting that I did
Pongal is a very traditional and interesting festival that we love to celebrate. This year, just as ever we had a lot of fun.
The extra fun that I had this year was to decorate a miniature mockup of the ethnic pongal celebration. :) hey of course the pongal in it is true and edible. :)
The pic above is a set of small earthen pots that I got from Valluvar kotam. I pained it to make it look more special and ethnic. :) Loved making the sand base and miniature kolam too. :)
The entire scene setting is just within half feet measure. :)
The extra fun that I had this year was to decorate a miniature mockup of the ethnic pongal celebration. :) hey of course the pongal in it is true and edible. :)
The pic above is a set of small earthen pots that I got from Valluvar kotam. I pained it to make it look more special and ethnic. :) Loved making the sand base and miniature kolam too. :)
The entire scene setting is just within half feet measure. :)
It was hard to balance the sugarcanes that way. But I loved this pic :)
And yeah.. Kolam is one other thing that becomes mandatory for any traditional celebration. :)
Here is my first try on color kolam. I enjoyed doing it though it was a little time consuming. :) Yet to master the tricks of using color in kolam. :)
Here is my first try on color kolam. I enjoyed doing it though it was a little time consuming. :) Yet to master the tricks of using color in kolam. :)

wow...u r amazing...u did it?awesome...i too like miniatures..but not tried 1 yet....u r my inspiration...soon i'll try to do some miniature...it looks g8..luks real buddy...keep it up:)
Oh the earthen pots....Looks traditional and lovely! I am missing all the fun celebrating in India! I loved the sugarcane pic..nice shot. Looks like, you had a wonderful celebration:)
lovely pictures..happy pongal..
Very beautiful pics they all were....
I loved the first pic especially.... It makes me reminisce my native home.... Lovely & beautiful.. I'm sure u had an awesome celebrations too...
ahhhh Lovely! :) love the painting on the earthern pots!!
Hi Nithya, love this site and your art! You are such a creative girl and a talented artist! I know we have now two things in common now: love for food and making these arty things! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog I am sure glad you did because now I found your space, I am following both of your blogs now!
For all the uniqueness in your postings, & the creativity....I tag u with a practice.... kindly accept & collect it....from my blog..
If not u hardly visit my place... now... May be u don't like it anymore... ;-) JUST KIDDING.... But do collect your TOFA!!!!
Happy Belated Pongal....
I liked your artistic talent, keep going Nithya....
Travel India
kalkitingooooo :).... belated wishes.... kanamal poiten
Belated Happy Pongal. The pongal paanai and the karumbu looks soo beautiful.
Ayyo!!! missed your pongal post boss.
The decorations were simple and good.
I hope this is similar to Onam in Kerala.
nitya, lovely pongal setting with the pots and the sugarcanes. the earthen colors and feel...love it!
love this pic.....thats very creative!!!!!!!!!
hey nitya thats an amazing one. im a stranger to your blog .. but found it interesting when i passed by .. the pics and articles are amazing . well i should say you are an all rounder....please keep up the good work and keep sharing ur talents with us .. stay focused byee
பொங்கல் வாழ்த்துக்கள்
i was just looking for good photos with பானை கரும்பு in the net and found ur pictures & blog interesting./..
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